Don't use science to search for GOD, use Mathematics. You will find GOD here: 1/0
Like a pure abstraction, as in " ∞" Infinity in Mathematics...Unknown, yet, virtually, logically, present and physically unfathomable; mandatory to further decipher and explain complex concepts to demystify nature.
A kindergartener who knows the cardinality only up to ten. Even the number hundred, is unfathomable. But, for a mathematically enlightened being, he/she has realized that even after you put 999999999... on and on and cannot ballpark INFINITY. On top of that, he/she has realized that it is logically possible and mandatory to have such "PURE ABSTRACTIONS" in their journey into the realms of advanced mathematics.
Infinity is an abstraction which logically exists in mathematics, its existence is not an arbitrary choice but a necessity triggered from complex mathematical needs. He/she should not be foolish to venture to ask to define that number in figures (physically) to trust its existence. Our five basic senses or the speech or written text would not be sufficient, here one needs to use the sixth sense - the Meta/Mental/Abstract dimension.
Asking to prove whether God exists, pointing to idols, crosses, photos, temples, churches, mosques is also a similar immature venture. Like the digits in the number system which is the means to understand infinity; these idols, crosses, and photos are tools used in our long winding "Spirit" ual journey to define and understand, incrementally, the "PURE ABSTRACTION" called God.
Misguided by the limited western definition of God, one ventures out to debate that God does not exist. It is like that of the kindergartner above who has not done the homework properly to find out "Largest Number" an equivalent
of "∞". The GOD "formulated" in eastern spiritual practices as "Tat vam asi" is a pure abstraction of the complexity of the "true nature of the Nature" and that realization when internalized by each one of us can transform a Homosapien to a Homo Deus. A realization that each one of us can own and impact a larger design, which is continuously evolving, scripted by the collective actions and reactions of you, me, us, the living and non-living things, and the realization of the interdependent destiny or fate - An abstract shape of things in the future scripted collectively by our actions and reactions. THAT ABSTRACTION EXISTS. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR ALL OF US TO REALIZE THE SUPER HUMAN/HOMO DEUS POWER THAT WE WIELD AND AN EQUAL AWARENESS THAT OTHERS ARE ALSO SIMILARLY BESTOWED UPON THE SAME, AND WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER IN A CONSENSUAL , COLLECTIVE MANNER FOR A "PEACE FOR ALL" JOURNEY.
Our body consists of 30+ trillion cells ( ~ Infinite) and works in unison to function as a human being ( larger design). Think about how the human being would function if the individual cells were ego-driven - doing their own thing and their own thing only, and were surrounded by similar ego-driven cells. People with a limited understanding, who miss the bigger design abstraction is like such ego-driven cells. The largest design for them is the boundary defined by their skin. it ends there. Think about a society full of such selfish beings AND WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE ENLIGHTENED ABOUT GOD - FORMULATED AS - TAT VAM ASI - A code we should consciously program to internalize to become a transformative leader.
For the enlightened ones, with an understanding of the abstraction, whatever you call it, X, Y or God; their cells are programmed to a larger design, which can collaborate with other such groups of 30+ billion cells/other atoms/molecules, inside you, him, her, it, others, grass, rock, nature, you name it create a congenial future. The enlightened ones do not allow to constrain themselves within one’s own Ego/Selfishness – the boundary, a short-sighted, unenlightened human draws around the circumference where his/her skin ends. This larger design is the abstraction of GOD defined by the formula "Tat Tvam Asi". if reflected on, reviewed and improved – Continuously, Iteratively, Incrementally, the transformation from “ME” to “WE” is a natural outcome of this process. The more “WE” people than “ME’ people are evolved, scripting the Future is organic. The third level of maturity in the maturity continuum defined by Stephen R Covey, in his "The 7 habits of highly effective people". A future which is bright, colorful, inclusive and enjoyable for all – living and non-living. Maybe that is the abstraction the enlightened ones are trying to define by GOD, let us not be ignorant and stoop the debate to the level of Idols, Cross, Photos etc. and prove GOD does not exist. Please don't debate by saying "Show me the god in the sky?". Even a layman knows an abstraction is an abstraction is an abstraction. IT DOES NOT "EXIST" AT A CONCRETE LEVEL BUT IT "EXISTS" AT AN ABSTRACT LEVEL - The thriving earth is the proof of its manifestation. If you are not able to assimilate such abstractions please try to evolve from the physical/material world limited by the five sense organs and please connect to sixth meta/mental/abstract dimension. Why is that realization and internalization of this abstraction significant? For a peaceful coexistence, removal of ego and maturing to the interdependence between us, animals and the environment is the elixir for our survival and peaceful co-existence.